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Timeless Visual Works
Frequently Asked Questions
Would you like more information about Timeless Visual Works?
We are a unique multimedia company and welcome questions regarding our arts education organization.
Please fill out the form above to learn about our film, theater, and publishing departments.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
How can I book Timeless stage plays and training sessions for my theater, school, or event?
Go to Timeless Theater and click on the stage plays you're interested in booking. Once you are there, click on the production icon for more information on our performance categories and book the show. Contact us for a consultation to meet your show requirements.
We also offer professional development training for teachers, students, schools, and families. Go to Timeless Theater and click on the program you're interested in bringing the services to your location. Contact us for a conference to meet your show requirements.
Where can I purchase your new publication, Time Will Tell: Stage Intro by Dr. Ollie L. Jefferson?
The print and Kindle editions are available at Amazon.
Please visit Audible, Amazon, iTunes, and Timeless Visual Works for the audiobook.
Where can I purchase the academic book, African American Women in the Oprah Winfrey Network's Queen Sugar Drama: Exemplary Representations on Screen and Behind the Scenes by Ollie L. Jefferson?
The book is available at Rowman & Littlefield, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Books-A-Million, IndieBound, Timeless Visual Works Publishing, and wherever books are sold worldwide.
Where can I purchase the book series Time Will Tell: Stage I, II, & III by Ollie L. Jefferson?
You can order a copy online at Amazon, Walmart, and Timeless Visual Works.
How can I get my books signed by the author, Dr. Ollie L. Jefferson?
Please meet Dr. Ollie L. Jefferson at book signing events for autographed copies. You also may request signed copies of Time Will Tell...Stage I, II, & III when purchasing the book series at Timeless Visual Works. Simply request before submitting your order.
How do I find out when you're having your next stage play, book signing, and new project release?
You'll receive the latest updates from Timeless Visual Works book signings, theatrical performances, and events from our newsletter. Just subscribe to our mailing list today!
How do I participate in the Timeless Visual Works book club?
Contact us to start and join the Timeless Book Club!
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